My Money Story
“You would think a Chartered Professional Accountant would know how to manage her own money…”
Yeah, that’s what I thought too. Until a pattern of bad decisions like paying for a condo I couldn’t afford, buying a $5 coffee everyday and living beyond my means gave me the wakeup call I needed.
Hi, I’m Vanessa and when I tell you, I’ve been there.
Straight out of University, I started making good money as a CPA helping corporations in both Canada and the U.S. make sense of their numbers. From outward appearances I was living the life. Like I already said, I was spending the way I THOUGHT money was meant to be spent (recovering Diva here!). And as hard as a decision it was, I had to admit that the joy of spending, although exciting, only lasted a short time. I would then move on to finding the next thing to buy to experience that feeling again. Rinse and repeat.
Maybe it was divine timing, maybe I finally realized I needed help. Either way, I had a Mentor come into my life at the time I was looking for a way to get my money right. She taught me how to create a budget and a financial plan. She taught me how to spend with intention.
I was hooked.
It blew my mind to learn that with a few adjustments, I could still have the things I wanted, and create financial goals for the rest of my life. I realized that in order to get where I wanted to be, I would have to make some changes in how I was currently spending my money.
I traded my condo for a basement apartment, I cut back on the fancy drinks and started an aggressive savings plan. Within 5 years, I had saved over $100,000; something I never even realized I could do, or wanted to do (this is what happens when you don’t have a financial savings goal in place; you don’t have anything to save for).
But here’s the kicker; I still enjoyed the life I was living while spending with intention.
Seeing the changes in my own life made me want to learn more. I literally became obsessed, studying everything about personal finance that I could possibly get my hands on. And as I started gaining knowledge, I started sharing what I was learning with my friends. And from those conversations I realized that many other women were just as lost about personal money management as I had been. Although they all came from different backgrounds, there were so many similarities woven throughout their stories. There was a gap that needed to be filled.
That’s why I created Mint Worthy.
As I started my business, I was still on my own money journey and as I went deeper, I realized that there is more to money than just the numbers. What was causing so many women, including myself to go into consumer debt? It was more than just spending money. It was the why, the mindset, the relationship with money. I thought more money would solve my money problems, but because I had never gotten to the root of my spending habits, more money just meant more spending. I began to understand that there was an abundance of resources on how to manage your money that could easily be taught. But no one was addressing the mindset behind it.
As I started to learn about our subconscious mind and applied these learnings to my personal money blocks (trust me when I say there were boulders!) I began to understand the correlation between money mindset and money management. Through the work I have done on myself, and continue to do with my clients, I have realized that “how” we manage our money is directly related to “who” we are with money. Creating true financial freedom only happens when these two align.
No matter what your financial life looks like right now (Trust me, mine was a royal hot mess!), you are worthy of living with the money, wealth, abundance and freedom you desire. Where you are today, does not determine your tomorrow. If I can change my entire financial life around, there’s no reason why you can’t, too. And I’m so here to help you!
Wealth and abundance is available to us all. You just have to hold the right mindset and then reach out and claim it.
Will you claim it?
A pack mentality leads to misinformation.
A discussion on how you can take steps to best invest in yourself.