We are so busy building our dreams that we neglect to build our finances.

The 1:1 VIP Day Experience is for the ambitious, ‘making dreams happen’ woman who is done with trying to figure it out on her own and is ready to elevate her finances. The woman who wants to redesign her financial life and regain financial control. Together, we will spend the day turning your finances around so that you can get more out of your money and your life. Plus you’ll receive 3 months of 1:1 coaching for further support and accountability.

In the VIP Day Experience, you choose what we focus on – personal finances or business finances.

Whether you run your own business or have a successful professional career, the VIP Day will have you leaving financially confident and in control so that you can create the financial life you are worthy of.


You didn’t start a business to be broke.

Is your business not making the money you desire, you still battle limiting beliefs that block your income potential and when the money does come in you have no idea how to manage it, how much you should spend, pay yourself or set aside for taxes? If your heart is screaming “YES” then it’s time to Unblock Your Business.

Get ready to take your business from surviving to absolutely thriving and become the confident, profitable CEO you know you are.

You are worthy of making more money, keeping more profits and building the business that you truly desire.


Wouldn’t it be amazing to finally have control over your financial life?

Are your finances stressing you out? You have no idea how to get a good handle on them and how to make your money work for you. You’re in debt, your savings are collecting dust and your money mindset hasn’t had an uplift in years.

I totally get it. Because I’ve been there too!  

Imagine actually knowing where your money is going and being so connected and aligned to your financial goals that you achieve them with flow and ease. Imagine what it would be like to pursue your heart’s desires all while having a money plan that supports your wildest dreams. Imagine stepping into the financial woman you were destined to become - you know, the one who has her money right and boldly goes after her dreams.

Well, now is your time.


Join the MW Community

Our email community of financially empowered women, fearlessly going after their financial dreams. Sign up to receive money tips & inspiration that will elevate your money mindset and connect you to your dollars. PLUS on the 1st of every month receive our Money Mindfulness Calendar filled with daily prompts to support you on your money + mindset journey to financial abundance.

Take the Money Personality Quiz

To find out “who” you really are when it comes to money and begin to uncover the personality traits that are blocking the money, wealth and abundance you desire.

Read our Blog

Covering various financial topics including how to manage both personal and business finances, how to teach your kids about money, how to create a new money story and so much more!