A Wealth of Women’s Stories (hosted by Manjit Minhas)

“When I started making good money, I thought I had made it; within a year I was in debt.”


While some people may be ashamed of their financial past, I bravely share mine. Not that it’s always easy, but I do it in hopes that it inspires another woman to live in her financial worth and take back her financial power. 

During my CPA career, I was great at managing others’ money but had a huge problem with managing my own. I was living life out of a Diva personality and spending without intention because I was making good money. So I thought. 

It was from that mindset (and money blocks) that I believed I didn’t need financial goals or a budget. But it was also because I was never taught the importance of either. That is, until I had a chance meeting with someone who would, to this day, become my mentor. 

She challenged my beliefs, questioned my aversion to budgets and helped me realize I couldn’t sustain this lifestyle for much longer. 

By creating a budget, I began to understand that it goes beyond entering numbers into an excel spreadsheet. A budget gave my money a purpose which started to shift my financial story. 

I felt empowered and I felt worthy.

So much so that with no business plan at all, I quit my corporate job and started Mint Worthy. 

Based on the reactions of my female friends to what I was sharing with them about my financial journey, I knew that other women needed to experience these transformations as well. And I wanted to be the one to guide them to feel and experience their true worth.

“We are all worthy of wealth, we are worthy of abundance, that includes you, that includes me, that includes everyone.”

Those are the words I shared on the IG Wealth Management, A Wealth of Women’s Stories podcast, hosted by Manjit Minhas. There is more to money than just the numbers and the truth is that it’s never really about the money. The money is just the outward reflection of the internal stories we have inherited or created. The more we can understand and uncover our own money stories, the more we can change our financial narrative. Only then, can we step into our true financial worth and create big, beautiful and abundant lives with the money + impact we desire.

I will never get tired of telling my story. I teach it because I’ve lived it. 





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