The Top 3 Reasons That Might Make You a Dodger

Written by Aqleema Anwar

“Knowing what you have and what you owe should never make you feel overwhelmed. In fact, it should make you feel empowered.”


If you don’t see it or know about it, does it actually exist? Sadly, when it comes to your debt and financial situation, the answer is yes, it does exist. In fact, with your lack of involvement, it’s probably thriving. And the more you avoid it, the bigger the issue becomes. The bigger the issue becomes, the less likely the Dodger is to address it. But that’s not for a possible lack of trying. Usually the lack of understanding or feeling overwhelmed is what keeps this money personality type stuck exactly in a position of not knowing where they are financially. 

The Dodger Mindset

You constantly avoid your finances and hardly ever look at your accounts because sometimes, just the thought of looking at your finances causes fear and panic. This avoidance can be driven by a desire to maintain your current lifestyle and image even if it’s costing you money or putting you into debt. The avoidance can also be caused by a lack of understanding or education on how money works. Your relationship with money is not dependent on how much you make or currently have. It’s based on what you do with the money once you get it and in the case of The Dodger, your relationship with money is based on all the things you don’t do with your money. 

The Dodger’s Spending

You are typically unaware of your true financial picture; how much money you have or the total debt you owe. You seek comfort in the unknown even though it may be at the cost of your financial future. In relationships, the Dodger tends to leave all of their financial decisions and money management to their partner; unaware of the family’s financial situation. 

The Dodger’s Emotional Connection to Money

You often carry guilt and shame because you don’t know how to handle your finances. But the thought of facing your financial reality is too overwhelming, so you choose to remain stuck and dig yourself into a deeper hole. Your self-confidence and self-worth is heavily tied to your financial situation and these insecurities can trickle into other areas of life including career and relationships. In some cases, the Dodger may hold a belief that they are inferior to their partner, friends and family. They sometimes feel like they are not enough or that their life isn’t as good compared to others. 

Ok, so you might be a DODGER

If all or most of that resonated with you, you might just be a Dodger. Overcoming the Dodger mindset includes realizing that you are in control of your finances and your finances no longer have to control you. Begin by repeating this out loud: 

I am in control. There is nothing to fear. My current financial picture does not dictate my future financial success. 

Aqleema Anwar is a content writer and online business manager based in Toronto. She is dedicated to sharing compelling human interest stories and is passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs in their business endeavors and content creation. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and listening to true crime podcasts. Follow her on Instagram @ask.aqleema




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