Money Personality Types are Important, Here's Why
What’s your personality type? No, not the catchy one-liner on your dating profile that you rewrote 5 times. What is your money personality type?
We all want the same thing when it comes to money: Financial Freedom. But how are some people emotional spenders while others live for the frugal life? How are some constantly worried about money while others completely avoid their finances and still sleep peacefully at night? Why do some people have lots of money yet are scared to lose it all while others are happy to take risks? What causes all of these opposing money behaviours when we all desire the same thing?!
The Answer: Your Money Personality Type
Each of us holds different money personality traits - some learned and some we created ourselves. Knowing “who” you are when it comes to money will shed light on why and how you show up (or don’t show up) in your money relationship. And it’s these money personality traits which will create or break your life of financial freedom.
So what’s your type? Are you a Diva, Hoarder, Worrywart or Dodger? Read on for a glimpse into each personality type and if you’re ready to find out yours take our Money Personality Quiz.
The Diva
The Diva lives for today and is usually consumed with maintaining a certain lifestyle, image and outward appearance, even if that means going into debt. The Diva is focused on short-term wants and desires and as a result doesn’t have many (or any) long-term goals. The Diva can sometimes feel like their deeper financial goals and dreams are impossible and believe it’s better to just live for today and enjoy the moment and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.
The Hoarder
The Hoarder believes it’s all about how much money you have. They love seeing large amounts in their bank account and are scared to see their savings account go down. They are hesitant to invest or take risks, or they hold large balances of debt even though they have the money to pay it off. They tend to live in a false sense of financial security because although they may have lots of money, their money is not really working for them or they tend to make poor financial decisions due to their fear of losing it all.
The Worrywart
The Worrywart lives in a constant state of lack and scarcity mindset; always feeling like they are just living to get by. They often feel like they never have enough money and that this will be their constant state in life. The fear of never having enough can come out of past experiences and failures. They believe wealth is reserved for others or that having a lot of money should not be a life goal even though deep down they wish they had more.
The Dodger
The Dodger constantly avoids their finances, doesn’t look at their bank accounts or has no idea how much debt they are truly in. The thought of facing their financial reality is too overwhelming, so they remain stuck and dig themselves into a deeper hole. This avoidance behaviour can be driven by a desire to maintain their current lifestyle or caused by a lack of understanding or education on how money works. When in a relationship, the Dodger will typically leave all financial decisions to their partner.
Did you resonate with any of these? Maybe you found yourself in one of them or you have traits from all four. This is not an exercise of judgment (I am a recovering Diva, so I get it!). It’s an exercise of awareness. Fear, shame, confusion and avoidance around your finances are all learned behaviours. Once you hold the awareness of “who” you are when it comes to money, you can begin to create financial change.
Ready to create and commit to that change?
Then check your inbox for some steps you can take immediately to overcome the money traits that have been holding you back from financial freedom.
A pack mentality leads to misinformation.
A discussion on how you can take steps to best invest in yourself.