3 Mindset Shifts to Charge Your Worth

In order to charge your worth, you must first feel worthy of your pricing.”


Hands up if you’ve ever been guilty of NOT charging your worth! I’ll raise mine double. I remember my very first offer was a group coaching program called Master Your Money. It was 6 weeks with live weekly coaching calls and EVERYONE received a 30-minute 1:1 coaching call. And guess how much I charged… $97!! Yea, I totally didn’t know my worth. I was caught up in the mindset trap of “you’re just starting out, you don’t have the experience, you need to prove to others (but really yourself) that you can do this.” All the limiting beliefs that blocked me from seeing the truth - that I had been supporting people with their finances for years (well before starting my business), I was a CPA and life insurance licensed (so yes I had the experience) and I had helped several people already get results (box checked). 

You don’t need another certification, all-star client or 2 more years in business to begin charging your worth. If you’re anything like I was, you are probably discounting all that you have already accomplished and bring to this world. Charging your worth isn’t about waiting until you’re at the same level as others - it’s about owning the unique space you take up right now, your unique experiences, the way you uniquely share your message and how you uniquely support your people - because that my friend, IS your worth. But sometimes you need a little mindset shift to see it.

Here are 3 mindset shifts you can take right now to start charging your worth, generate profits and make the money you are worthy of:


Let’s be real… you didn’t start a business to be broke. But in the world of setting your prices and knowing what to charge, you can easily get caught up in what “you” can afford. I know there was a time (or two) when I asked myself “Would I pay that much?!” And based on the answer I would adjust my prices up or down. I know – I didn’t have very savvy price setting tactics when I started out. But here’s what that question is really asking – it’s opening the door for you to allow your own money stories and limiting beliefs to be projected on your pricing. Maybe you can’t afford you, but that doesn’t mean your ideal client can’t! 

By setting a price that feels comfortable to you, and less than what your ideal client is willing to spend, you block yourself from receiving the money to build a big thriving and abundant business. So, stop telling yourself, “that's a lot of money, people can’t afford that, no one will buy at that price.” Don’t allow your own limiting beliefs to block your abundance. When you charge your worth, you attract the clients who will pay you your worth.

And let me say this… if you know that you’re not charging your worth right now but you keep attracting clients who say your prices are too high and they can’t afford you - it’s because YOU are vibrating below your worth and therefore attracting people below your worth! If you are guilty of this, I dare you right now to double your prices and own your worth. I have my clients do this all the time and without fail they attract people who easily pay their increased prices in full!

Here are some journal prompts to identify if you are living with this limiting belief so that you can begin charging your worth:

How are my own money stories or limiting beliefs impacting my pricing? 

Do I ask myself “Can I afford that?” or hold beliefs that my clients won’t be able to afford my prices? What adjustments can I make to my pricing to begin charging my worth?


If you’re trying to be everything to everyone, you’ll eventually be nothing to no one. As entrepreneurs we have big hearts and we want to serve the world. I get it. But you’ll be serving no one if your bank account is broke. Believing that you should set your prices at a rate that EVERYONE can afford is not noble. It’s the quickest and surest way to the death of your business and of course all your dreams of making your biggest and baddest impact in this world. Here’s the truth:

The more money you make the more impact you can create.
— Vanessa Bowen

With more money you can increase your marketing efforts so that more people can enjoy your products or services, you can hire a team which not only provides income for others but also allows you to expand your reach, you can donate to more causes and allow your dollars to create change that you couldn’t do on your own. 

I know you’re thinking - “Yea, but I really do want to serve the world!” Don’t worry, I got you. You CAN serve the world while still charging your worth. Here’s how…

Charge your worth for all of your products and services and then create a “Giveback Offer” to support those who may not be able to afford your worth. You can do things like offering scholarships into your program, creating a “buy-one-gift-one” offer so that your clients can gift access to your product/service to someone who can’t afford it, offer free monthly group sessions or specific freebies and giveaways. 

This allows you to build a sustainable business that serves the world for years to come, instead of a “one-hit-wonder.” Remember - more money means more impact.

If you’ve been caught in this mindset trap here are some questions to help shift your pricing:

What changes can I make to my business model so that I can serve everyone while still charging my worth?

What changes do I need to make to my current pricing to begin charging my worth?


You may think you’re taking the moral high ground here, but saying the money doesn't matter is like saying paying your mortgage/rent, feeding your family and having clean underwear doesn't matter! 

This thought is a defense mechanism that allows you to play small and avoid charging your worth. It also allows you to remain off the hook from fully going in and making the money you know you desire deep down inside. It's not about the money, it's about what you can do with the money. The more money you have the more impact you can make. The more lives you can change. The more hearts you can touch. The more you can provide for your family. The more you can leave this world better than how you found it. What’s more to life than that?

Here are some questions to create an immediate mindset shift:

What limiting beliefs are blocking me from making my biggest financial impact in this world?

What is holding me back from going all in?

If I were to charge my worth, what prices would I set in my business?

So who’s been standing in the way of you charging what you’re worth? Simply put, you! But not anymore. These mindset shifts will have you setting prices that align with your worth so that you can create a business with impact plus a big, abundant bank account to go with it! 




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