Is This on Your Travel Checklist?
Imagine the most amazing travel plans are unexpectedly interrupted.
195 countries and 7 continents, what this means is that there are many places to visit, many cultures to take in, many languages to learn and a world full of beauty. Travel can leave us with amazing memories and cause us to grow simply by being exposed to different ways of seeing the world. As we daydream and fantasize of all the great things that we will do and experience, we run the risk of unexpected travel nightmares. Think about it - the last nightmare you had, tragic accident, or even simpler, the last time you got sick, did you plan for it? Most likely not.
Travel insurance has the potential to provide protection in the event a nightmare appears during your planned blissful getaway. When purchasing travel insurance, here are a few things to consider.
Trip Cancellation Insurance
This is one of the most basic and most commonly available coverage options. Trip cancellation insurance can provide coverage to reimburse you if you are unable to take your trip due to a number of possible reasons like, sickness, a death in the family or if you or a member of your party becomes ill during the trip. Cancellations for reasons such as a cruise line going bust or your tour operator going out of business may also be covered. Some trips you book will allow cancellation with full reimbursement (within a certain time frame) for any reason, whereas some trips only allow reimbursement for medical or other specific reasons. Make sure you check the travel policy for any limitations before you purchase it.
Baggage Insurance
Here’s an insurance measure free of charge - always pack 1 or 2 outfits in your carry-on just in case your bag decides to visit another country. Although unplanned, lost baggage or theft of personal items while abroad happens to travelers every day. Baggage insurance is another common coverage found bundled with travel insurance that provides protection for your belongings while traveling. If you already have a homeowners insurance or a renters’ insurance policy, it’s likely that you already have this coverage in place. Albeit, consider that homeowners insurance and renters’ insurance policies typically have a coverage limit for certain types of items, like jewelry, and may only pay a reduced amount for other items. In addition to that, there may also be a deductible that needs to be paid. This should be considered when deciding if you should purchase baggage insurance with your travel insurance.
Emergency Medical Coverage
Many people aren’t sure if their health insurance will cover them internationally – you may want to check if your policy protects you outside of the country. Accidents, illness, and other conditions that require medical assistance can be extremely costly. Travel health insurance can cover you in these instances and is often available as a stand-alone policy or bundled as part of a travel insurance package.
Other Travel Coverages
A number of other options are often offered as part of travel insurance packages, including missed connection coverage, travel delay coverage, and traveler assistance. Another coverage option to consider is collision and comprehensive coverage for rental cars. Interestingly enough, car accidents lead the way with unexpected events when travelling. A personal car insurance policy may not cover you for vehicle damage, liability, or medical expenses when traveling abroad.
When you’re ready to travel whether it be within your country or not, consider travel insurance. Also, be sure to read the fine print and ask the appropriate questions before purchasing. In doing so, it may provide some relief and peace of mind so you can concentrate on the important things, like creating meaningful memories!