How to Shift Your Money Mindset
If only we could wave a magic wand & erase our limiting beliefs and fears around money.
It may not be that easy but it definitely IS possible. We all carry unwanted beliefs about money. However, most people go their entire lives not recognizing these blocks. Instead, they continue to hold these beliefs and allow them to create havoc on their financial lives and decisions. Shifting your money mindset starts with doing the inner work to uncover the limiting beliefs that have held you back from creating the wealth and abundance you desire. Awarenss is everything. From there you can quickly catch yourself when these beliefs arise and then shift your mindset so that you hold the beliefs that serve you and align with the life you desire.
Grab your journal and a coffee (or some wine) and work through these 4 Steps to Shift Your Money Mindset:
Step 1: Identify your limiting beliefs about money
1. What story about money do I tell myself?
2. What money beliefs do I hold that no longer serve me?
3. What are my biggest money fears?
Step 2: Investigate your limiting money beliefs
1. What did I hear, see or experience that created this belief?
2. Is this belief true for me or is it someone else’s truth?
3. How has this belief blocked the financial life I desire?
Step 3: Create new money beliefs
1. What new truths about money do I wish to hold?
2. What new money beliefs align with the financial life I desire?
3. How do I wish to think and feel about money?
Step 4: Live out of your new beliefs
1. Use mantras and affirmations to reprogram your mind daily.
2. Do NOT make decisions out of a mindset filled with money blocks. Change your mindset first. Ask yourself, “What would my future financial self do?”
3. Spend time visualizing your future financial life.