Mint Worthy Co

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Releasing Your Money Fears

What is your one biggest struggle or fear when it comes to your finances?

Answers I receive often look like:

  • Worry surrounding debt.

  • Fear there is not enough money to cover bills.

  • Not being able to treat yourself without feeling guilty.

  • Feeling constantly worried about money.

  • Not knowing how to properly manage money.

... and much more.

The words you say, clearly indicate who or what is in control of your life (and money). It's time to stop giving away your power and playing victim to your circumstances.

You ARE the boss of your finances and you are worthy of living your best financial life.

If you resonate with any of the answers above, work through these journal prompts to help release your money fears:

  1. What is my relationship to money?

  2. What areas of my life have I given away my power when it comes to my finances?

  3. What are some changes I can make to live in my power?

  4. What would happen if my biggest financial fear came true? How would I live in my power to overcome it?

  5. Why am I worthy and deserving of my financial dreams?

In shifting your mindset, you will live in your power & stand in your worth.

Learn more about your limiting money beliefs by taking our Money Quiz.