5 Questions to Help Release Your Money Fears
“Money may not be everything, but it is the thing stopping you from living your dream.”
We ALL want more money and abundance. Even you, currently sitting, arms crossed, confidently declaring that money doesn’t matter or money isn’t everything. That’s like saying paying your rent or mortgage or having clean underwear doesn’t matter! I’d like to politely suggest that you are living with some underlying money fears that are blocking the very money and abundance you desire.
When did you start thinking that money didn’t matter to you? When did you start shrinking your dreams to match the size of your bank account? Or did you begin feeling guilty or shallow for wanting more money or desiring a lifestyle greater than your family was accustomed to or that your parents would approve of? Instead of hiding behind the lies that money isn’t everything or lowering your expectations to what you ‘think’ is financially possible, start to examine what limiting beliefs and money fears are causing you to think this way. Because at the end of the day, we all have bills to pay and lives to live and retirements to fund and amongst all those things, dreams that are waiting to be achieved.
Let’s look at how your money fears may be hiding from you in plain sight…
It’s a defense mechanism
I have a client who is terrified of money. And instead of facing her scarcity mindset, she chooses to instead say that she’s happy with the modest lifestyle she has chosen for herself. No one is truly happy with a ‘modest’ lifestyle. We all want more… it’s our nature as humans. Living from this belief is a defense mechanism that allows you to stay small, continue to hide and avoid whatever failure you think is waiting for you around the corner. And all while my client was shouting to the rooftops that she was happy with her life, she secretly wanted more money - a LOT more money. But the truth was that she was terrified to have more or make more due to the fear that she wouldn’t know how to manage it or potentially lose it all. I bet you never realized having too much could be a money fear too, right? Having a fear of success is a very legitimate feeling and is a huge block to the money, life and dreams you seek. But it’s just that - a fear. And when you keep living from it, you are basically saying that holding on to this fear is more important than holding on to your dreams.
You need money to fulfill your dreams
I don’t know what dreams you hold in your heart. But what I do know is that those dreams cost money! When you deny yourself of that money, you also deny yourself of that dream. It’s ok to have dreams and desires that are bigger than you and greater than your family can see or believe. There’s a reason why those dreams are inside of YOU. What you are capable of should never be dictated by your past, nor should it ever be minimized based on how much money you think you are worthy of. You need money, more than what you currently have, to live and breathe the dream inside of you. How do I know this? Because if you had enough, you’d be living that dream right now - but you’re not. If you’re serious about building your dream, you need to start being serious about building your money as well. Stop running money scared or living with money fears that are keeping you stuck and making you paralyzed. Stop playing small; continuing to do so will prevent you from attracting the money and abundance to fuel your dreams.
Money provides opportunities, for you and others
If you have a heart to do more and help more, then you need to also have a heart for money. Money provides opportunities. It’s really that simple. Think about the impact you can make right now with the current money in your bank account. Now think of the impact you could make if you had double or even triple that amount! With money you are able to do more things, experience more things, and live your life in a way up until that moment, you had only imagined.. Imagine for a moment how it would feel to share an experience with someone else or to pour into a cause that aligns with your values or to be able to support your family and friends whenever they are in need. Money creates impact - in your life and in others’ lives as well. The more money you make, the more impact you can create.
“...If you are living with money fears that are keeping you stuck and making you paralyzed, you will never make or attract the money and abundance you desire.”
Journal Prompts to Release your Money Fears
Stop using the “money isn’t everything” mindset as a defense mechanism. Money fears (having too little or too much) will keep you stuck, and prevent you from truly living your dreams and most importantly make you miss out on opportunities meant for you and in turn those around you. Learn to unblock your money fears so you CAN live a life of abundance and freedom and the life you truly deserve. Here’s how you can start to release your money fears:
Make a list of your money fears and then select your top 3 from that list.
Answer the following questions based on each of these fears:
What constant stories do you tell yourself that keep you living with these fears?
What have you seen, heard or experienced that created these fears?
How long have you been living with these fears?
Take each fear and imagine it came true. Visualize what next steps you would take to move your life forward. Reflecting on what you identified, are these fears still true for you?
Now, for each fear, write a new belief about money that you wish to hold.
But don’t just write a new belief and move on. The important part of this process is to continue living out of that new belief. The next time an old money fear creeps into your mind, you have the choice to live in that mindset or live out of the new beliefs about money that you created for yourself.
It’s your choice. Will you choose fear or choose abundance?
A pack mentality leads to misinformation.
A discussion on how you can take steps to best invest in yourself.