If Loving Money is Wrong, I Don’t Want to be Right



“I LOVE MONEY!” I dare you to say it out loud. Say it.

How does it feel? I’ve heard it all. It feels dirty, nasty, greedy. You aren’t supposed to love money. There is more to life! Money is the root of all evil. If you love it, it means you are egotistical, shallow and lack morals. 

Here’s the truth: If you have any icky feelings around those 3 words, you have an unconscious money block that is stopping the flow of money and abundance directly to you. 

Here’s why: Money is just energy. And the more you energetically connect to it, the more you can attract it. And you can’t energetically connect to it if you have these ‘not so positive’ thoughts towards it. 

Let’s go deeper: 

Believing a love for money is ‘dirty’ instantly projects negative energy towards money. You don’t like being around negative vibe people, so why do you think money would want to be around you? This could be why your money attraction score is at an all-time low right now.

And what if one side of you feels this way but then another side believes money can bring about good and you desire more of it. Then what?! These contrasting beliefs send out mixed messages. It’s like giving your Uber driver two different addresses. He doesn’t know where to go. So, he stays parked until you tell him where you want your life to be taken. The same is true for the Universe. It doesn’t know whether to send you money and abundance or not. 

The Universe will act based on what vibration you give out.

Which side are you vibrating from the most?

If you want to attract money and abundance, show money a little more love and see what happens!