3 Ways to Express Thanks to Your Finances


When was the last time you said “thank you” to your money?

‘Be thankful’, ‘keep a gratitude list’, ‘express gratitude for the little things’ – we all know that having a grateful heart can create more joy and peace in life. Gratitude is known as the “feel happy” remedy and can instantly elevate your mood and shift your perspective, no matter what you’re going through.

When you feel like there’s never enough, you avoid looking at your bank account, mismanage your finances, and spend frivolously. When you’re grateful for the money you do have, you take better care of it, spend it wisely and manage it well. Gratitude can change your perspective from ‘not enough’ to ‘more than enough’.

Read this article I wrote for Sonnet Insurance on Ways to Express Thanks to Your Finances.

Vanessa BowenComment